Oh great. Another hallway dream again. Might as well get it over with. Im in a hotel this time. Warm but lonely. the wall paper was red with gold wavy patterns. the carpet was warm and soft on my feet. Then it was cold. I looked down. Snow? I looked back up...still a hallway except the walls are now trees the cieling was gone. "Well this is a little weird" I thought.. then it startd to snow. The ground and topiary were covered in the soft white powder. My breath shifted to fog and everything I thought I knew had changed. I stopped and stared and took in my surroundings. Beautiful white snow flakes drifted by. My attention falls on one snow flake in the distance and I extended my hand to catch it. It seemed to take forever to reach me, but eventually it made its way downward and dangled delicately in front of me; inches away from the top of my head. I stopped and gazed at it in awe. Time seemed to slow down, noise haltered, and everything around me blured, and in this second I am in complete bliss. Absolute peace filled every inch of me and lived completely in that moment. All that mattered to me right then was this magical prism of ice. It shimmered in the sunlight. It was warm and enchanting and beautiful. As it fluttered passed my eyes I saw it and it saw me. It stopped and floated there above my palm. It looked as though it was watching me with just as much intensity and wonder as I was watching back. I turned my head around it to get a better angle and it too turned to see me. I looked up, so did the snowflake. I smiled, it shimmered. I laughed, it twinkled. It mirrored me in every way, but in its own words. It is a part of me and I am part of it. as ourselves we were whole, but together we could be complete. love was all I felt. It continued to float toward my hand. Gracefully hovering closer and closer. The closer it got the more anxious I became. It drifted only inches away now. I held my breath. Almost there. SNAP. I forgot about sound. My focus adjustsed to the dark forest in the distance. THUMP. The shrubs began to shake. I stared into the darkness. nothing. CRACK. Two yellow eyes appeared. and then glow. Everything was quiet. I could see my breath again. The hairs on the back of my neck stood completely on end and my ears are twitched out as if there was a sound so faint that I could only hear it subconsciously. bum bum. bum bum. BUM BUM. my heart beats louder...faster. and then it stoped. Complete quiet. again. and then it bound out of the forest, bellowing and screeching. Claws out ready to mangle. Teeth as sharp as razors. There's nowhere to go but back. so I turned around and ran. I ran and ran through the thick snow. I ran as fast as I could, but it was catching up. It was right on my heels. Screeching and snarling and gurgling. In the distance I could see a doorway. The snow suddenly became carpet again. I reached for the door. I turned the knob. I startd to open the door. and then I paused for a quick thought: In all of my dreams I run..whenever im scared all I ever do is run. I have never fight back. I have never even thought I had a choice. It's always either run or die, but those couldn't be the only two options could they? No. I'm sick of waking up wishing I had just fought back or at least thought of fighting back. This time I had a choice. I'm not going to let it win again. I slammed the door back shut, and Turned around toward the snowy driveway. There it was leaping toward me. It was small but fierce with a tiny body, big feet and hands and gigantic elf ears. I looked to the left. wall. I looked to the right. wall. I looked back at this thing that had ruined everything and I became furious. I looked to my right again and a room appeared. Inside was darkness. A beam of light shone down to reveal a cage. The tiny monster was only feet away. As it leaped through the air toward me I grabbed the cage, opened the door, and aimed it at the imp. It landed inside with a violent thud and I quickly slammed the door and turned the lock. I've trapped it! phew. relief.
I took one last look at the snowy driveway before I turned back and stepped through the entryway. I felt sadness as I shut the door. as soon as the door was closed my sadness faded. It was so warm, and I felt safe as I paused to take a rest. I leaned on the door and smiled. I had done something that I had never done before. Something I didn't think I could ever do. Something I thought I had no control over.. I faced my fear..AND conquered it.
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I was going to draw it but I couldnt really get it right so I took about 20 pictures and stitched them together in photoshop...still not happy with it but its a basic idea.. |
I took a deep breath and sighed in relief. My attention turned to a light up ahead. All I could see was an open doorway. Darkness was on the other side. But I could feel someone beyond that. Out of the dark came a shoe. and then a leg, an arm, a body..and then a face. da ja vu set in as she walked toward me. and when she saw me she froze. So did I. pure joy came over me. complete happiness and peace. I smiled. As my face changed so did hers. we looked at each other for a moment before I realized who she was. she was my snow flake.
Dream Interpretation
Hallway: To see a hallway in your dream symbolizes self exploration. It is the beginning of the path that you are taking in life. You are going through a transitional phase and journeying into the unknown. It also signals spiritual enlightenment, emotional growth physical prowess, new opportunities and mental passages in your life
Door to strange landscape of world: Finding entrance into unconscious, a way into wonderland – in other words the infinite world of our mind or consciousness.
Snow: Snow is a symbol of a new life, good changes, coldness and frost. Walking on a crispy snow and seeing snowflakes fall means that positive changes and improvements are going to happen in your life.
Being Chased: The specific distance between you and your pursuer may also be relevant in the context of your dream. If the person is gaining distance on you, it could represent the problem not going away unless you deal with it head on. This might require you to confront the specific issue and address it head on. Conversely, if you are able to outrun the pursuer, it could mean that the problem can resolve itself and will fade over time.
Cage: To dream that you are putting a wild animal into a cage signifies that you will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. It is also symbolic of your ability to control you animistic rages and anger.
Shutting a door: Privacy; trying to find ‘space’ for oneself; the dismissing attitudes or tension we use to shut others out of intimate contact; repressing memories or feelings; decisively ending something.
I think the snowflake is me finding myself again..maybe? IDK
well this summs up my life pretty accurately right now .. I love how I can just will myself to figure out whats bothering me or what I truly want.. through dreams (makes it much easier to make big decisions). amazing.