i was standing on the side of the street. there was a man across whispering something to me. i was so confused, i didnt understand what he was saying. finally i could make out his whispers. i could hear him whispering like he was right beside me even though he was far away. he was saying "waaake up" i was like 'what is he talking about', i just didnt understand. i was so confused. he just kept telling me to wake up over and over. then he said "waake up or youre gonna be late" again i didnt understand why he was telling me to wake up, i didn't understand what the phrase 'wake up' actually ment. which is a little interesting to me. then i think something clicked.but before i had time to realize that i was actually asleep, he was in my face yelling, he was so close
to my face that i could see in his mouth while he screamed at me "WAKE UP!" shaking me with his hands on my shoulders.
i woke
up and looked at the clock..the heck? its only 6:30 so i went to the bathroom and lay back down to back to
sleep. before i could close my eyes i started seeing people running around my house through my cracked door, but they were the usual shadows i see, and little, like children or midgets or something. i woke my husband and told them there was people in my house stealing our things.he went to look and i heard him talking to somebody...i came out and it was some lady but i couldn't see her face. i asked her why she was in my house taking my things and she said "im not in your house. you're in my house!" we argued back and forth like that until she got so angry that she attacked me. she had one of the girls dvds 'good boy' and cut my throat with it. i saw the blood. i covered my throat. blood everywhere. i couldnt stop it. i looked up at her as she smiled. my vision started getting blurry, and then everything went black.
.woke up to the alarm at 7 or i thought it said 7. im still a little unsure on the alarm clock part...got out to the living room
and its actually 7:30.....
i wasnt really sure how to color code this. im not sure if i actually woke up to see the alarm at 6:30 or if the whole thing was a dream. so i just wrote it all in black. i dont remember actually going back to sleep to have the second one so im guessing the whole getting up and going to the bathroom was just all part of one weird dream. i asked my husband if i woke him up to go check, he said no. if i had woken him up he would have remembered, because once you wake him up and he gets out of bed he cant get back to sleep. hes very unlike me in that way lol
maybe when i woke up and looked at the clock it was me turning the snooze on or something....the whole time i thought the clock was off by 30 mins, but when i went to change it the next night it was right again or still right im not sure. i really hate being this confused. its a little scary if you ask me.
also to the people who think if you die in your dreams then you die in real life...explain this then
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