Tuesday, February 5, 2013

she pulled my leg

i wasn't with daniel anymore. SO my mom, grams, jamie, and jeremy took me on a vacation to cheer me up. we go to this beautiful lake. it was magical. there was a canopy of bright green trees over top and caves all around. it was nice and covered, and i felt really safe inside. there was a hotel there, but for some reason we slept in a van that looked a lot like my grams; old mini van from my childhood. chick was there, and we both just chilled and feel asleep in the back seat. i remember waking up a lot and seeing her in a differant position everytime. when we woke up, we went swimming. i was having a good time. i swam into the middle of the lake and it was so crystal clear that i could see all the way to the bottom. there were giant rocks everywhere and underground caves and pretty seaweed waving around. i could see peple everywhere laughing and playing and splashing. i was so happy and smilly and calm and peacefull. then all of a sudden i stabbed myself in the leg with something. i heard everyone scream really loud. and they all started running everywhere and pushing each other down. i looked down at my leg and for some reason i opened the wound. i could see inside. the lake turned into this icky slime and murky. the sky turned dark. i looked around, everyone was gone, it was quiet. i was all alone, and scared. i still had my wound open under the water. the lake started pouring into my leg through the open cut. trash and slime and sewage too. i got out. i leaned up against a trash can.my leg hurt very badly and i could barely hubble around. a male life guard came up to me. im pretty sure he was gay (not that that matters at all to me, just an observation. and he tends to be in a lot of my dreams, although i dont know who he is). he told me to never wear those shoes again, and that they were banned here. i looked down and i had shoes on, nikes i think with the number 101 on them. when i looked back up he was gone. i got to the car to show my mom my leg..i looked inside and there were no bones or anything...it was just an empty pouch with this gross ground up fleshy brown gook.and there was a single piece of trash inside. my mom started to pull my leg. i was freaking out and panicking. as soon as it came off i noticed there was a new leg underneath, but still a wound. it didnt hurt anymore, now it was just numb. her and grams went a little ways away so i couldnt hear them whispering, but i could..it was like i was right beside them, but they were far away. my mom was saying that she wanted to take me to the hospital but she didnt know how they would put it back on without chopping off my foot. all the time they talked she had my old leg in her hand flopping it back and forth. it dangled and flexed like it was made of rubber. i remember thinking "why in the heck do i need that old leg when i have a perfectly good new leg right here" they finished discussing and everyone went over to the passanger side door....this time it was a silver compact car, ive never seen before. it was locked. they all yelled some random saying and it seemed as though it were some inside joke that i w   asnt in on. i felt left out. everyone went through the same door one after one like a bunch of curcious clowns. i stood there for a moment and watched them before i got in and sat down. alarm clock*
woke up with a weird feeling in my leg where i had been stabbed in the dream.. it felt like that for a few hours. it didnt hurt, it just felt weird...tingly maybe? its hard to describe.

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